Mind meld fart
Mind meld fart

mind meld fart

After the short, once the air clears, be sure to check out Adam's website to see what else he's got going on! The short is funny and I do recommend it to you ladies and gents, just a fair warning of what you're getting into. While I think there are some pretty funny moments in the film (my inner 8 year old giggling like a tickled piglet), I think I would have liked it even more if were just a tad shorter, like say - cut down to ten minutes, just becuase the same basic joke keeps getting repeated. While the short before this might have had a bit of "shock" for "shock's sake," what's next is 16 minutes of pure shock jock style humor, a 16 minute fart joke that is sure to make you chuckle. Nathan's built a fun little multiverse of alternate stories/interactitve website that you might want to check out!Īnd to send us off, we've got a blast of a film from Adam Kargman. It takes place in a multiverse not unlike our own, and freely ricochets across it." While I found the film enjoyable, it feels like a product of New York quirk, a tad bit of hipster fun, and a dash of shock value. He is aided in his journey by an experimental scientist with nothing to lose and a former child-prodigy narrator of books on tape. " the story of a modern-day one-eyed man with a vision from another dimension that gives him nothing but trouble in the confines of our own dimensional world. SELF-ASSEMBLY from Ray Sullivan on Vimeo.

#Mind meld fart full#

It's dark, and twistedly full of humor. If you like what you see and want to see more videos from Ray, then head over to his Vimeo page and poke around! "Bereaved parents find a monstrous substitute for their dead son." (No, it's no SERBIAN FILM/HUMAN CENTIPEDE/Octpus Porn). He's created something truly "What, what?" We all need to lick a battery every now and then, so prep yourself for something kind of shocking. that's a tall order, an "Oh yeah? I'll be the judge of that, sir!" Well, director Ray Sullivan was spot on.

mind meld fart

Our next short was emailed to me with the subject line: "a REALLY fucked up short film for you" and while my initial reaction was "Damn it! I have a system, son." *(SHORTS - Film Title - Genre)* I clicked it, becuase hell. After being rejected by his longtime gal pal, he goes on a downward spiral of self loathing/self discovery." If you like what you see, then be sure to follow Jack on twitter or the film from Jack Gregson on Vimeo. "In this homage to Woody Allen and The Muppets, Sam (Doctor Who's Arthur Darvill) is a penguin living in London and looking for love. The film, directred by Jack Gregson, is chuckle funny and full of awkwardness, so it's just my kind of thing. Up next we have a dry comedy about a penguin who's simply looking for love. It's slow and creepy, but has a hell of a lovely feel and design, as well as slick title sequences/credits. Director Patrick Rea just had this short play the New York City Horror Film Festival a few weeks back and thought it was a good time to toss it up on the world wide web for folks like you and me to check out. Now let's kick this party off right with a horror comedy love-child. Go grab yourself some popcorn, lock your kids in a closet, kill the lights, relax and check out this little weekly film fest we've got ourselves here: So while we navigate today's films, fair warning: we will be shifting gears and making more twists and turns than you can imagine, so buckle up and keep in mind if you're not into one film, that's A-Okay, just hang on and the next one might be right up your alley. (And what feels more and more like a trend here at SS, there's a puppet film for you folks). If you're a fan of fart jokes, then hey buddy, you'll be in flactulance bliss.

mind meld fart

So hey, if you like seriously twisted shorts, cool - you're in luck. I mean I've got a few beautifully shot pieces paired up with down and dirty "screw it, let's keep it real" films and yet they all share something: they're entertaining (on different levels mind you). This week is more of a "mixmash" with films from all over. Each one was created and submitted by a fellow AICN reader like you and me, and let me tell you - there are truly some bizarre minds who read this site. Hello ladies and gentlemen, Muldoon here with this week's selection of interesting films I think you might want to check out.

Mind meld fart